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FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst process

FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst processPolice Media Spokesperson, Superintendent of Police (SP) Ruwan Gunasekara stated that the Police Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) had received 335 complaints in total up-to-date, out of which, investigations into 89 complaints had already been completed.MORE...

Post a comment | 7 hours ago

Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation

Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation The Colombo Additional Magistrate, Justice Jeyaram Trosky, has ordered that the investigations into the murder of Wassim Thajudeen be expedited.MORE...

| 8 hours ago

Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in Marawila

Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in MarawilaThree individuals have been arrested following a raid of an illegal large-scale alcohol distillation plant in Mudukatuwa, Marawila.MORE...

Post a comment | 8 hours ago

Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners

Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners A Japanese historian who helped Cambodians preserve the Angkor temples and a Sri Lankan teacher who counselled war widows and orphans to overcome their nightmares are among the six winners of this year’s Ramon Magsaysay Awards, regarded as Asia’s version of the Nobel Prize. MORE..

Post a comment | July 27, 2017  6:25 pm News Source - ADADERANA.LK

Nilukshi Amanda's misled love

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k¿ fmïj;d pm<hs Æ
wukaod ksÆla‍Is iriúhg lshhs 

cd we, me;af;a fmï l;djlg wjqreÿ y;laÆ wms fokakgu mejiqfõ tlu jpk fiÜtl Wmka Èfka ieurefõ fjk fl,af,la tlalÆ Ôú;h wdfha jroao .kafka kE 

ueo f.or fg,s is;=jfï ii|rd f,iska fï Èkj, fm%ala‍Il ckdorhg m;a jQ wukaod ksÆla‍Is iy ckms‍%h k¿jl= fukau ksfõolhl= w;r ;sfnk fmï in|;dj oeka ryila fkfjhs' miq.sh iriúh l,dmhl;a Tyq;a weh;a .ek m< jqKd' Tjqkaf.a újdyh o Û§u W;aijY%Sfhka meje;aùug kshñ; njo fofokdu udOHhg fkdiÛjd fy<slr ;snqKd' wfma we;eï ckms‍%h ;re ;u wdor wkaorh iÕjdf.k bkak yooaÈ fï fofokd kï tfia lf<a kE' ms‍%h iïNdIK we;=¿ fjk;a úfYaI wjia:djkaj,§ wukaod weú;a ysáfha wr ckms‍%h k¿ fmïj;d;a tlalhs' Tjqka fofmdg lafIa;%fha yefudau wdisß me;=jd' tfy;a fï fma%uhg lK fldld yඬ,,d Æ' jáka msáka tfyu wdrxÑ jqKd' we;a;gu fudllao isoaOfj,d ;sfhkafka' tal oek.kak wm wukaodg l;d l<d' 

* wukaod" weiafol jf.a ysáh fokakg fï fudlo jqfKa@ 
wms fjkajqKd whsfha' 

* ta fudlo@ 
thd yß jxlhs' pm,hs' yßu fndre ldrfhla' 

* fya;=j@ 
tfyu ;uhs' thdg ug jeäh wdof¾ lrmq flfkla b|,d ;sfhkjd' 

* fldfyo@ 
cd we, me;af;a' ta iïnkaOhg wjqreÿ y;laÆ' 

* Tn yd Tyqf.a wdor l;djg fldÉpr l,ao@ 
jir ;=khs' 

* fï jir ;=k we;=; Tng Tyqf. fjkila oeKqfk ke;so@ 
wkak talhs Tyqf.a olaIlu' udj udr úoyg /jeÜgqjd' udj ú;rla fkdfjhs wr .eyekq <uhj;a /jeÜgqjd' 

* Tn iy Tfí fmïj;d .ek ks;ru udOHj, m< jqKdfk@' wr .eyekq <uhd tajd oel,d keoao@' 
;sfhkjd' Tyqf.ka ux .ek wy,;a ;sfhkjd' 

* t;fldg Tyq fudlo lsh,d ;sfhkafka@ 
tajd mrK l;kaor lsh,d uÕyer,d' 

* ta;a fï Bfha fmf¾od mqj;a m;aj,;a Tn fofmd< .ek mska;=r mjd m< jqKdfk@
È.ska È.gu wms .ek m< fjoaÈ wr .eyekq <uhdf. whshd uf. hd¿fjl=f.a" hd¿fjl=f.ka ux .ek fydh,d n,,d' wms fokakf. iïnkaOh .ek we;a; Tjqkag fy<sfj,d' ta .eyekq <uhd ug l;d lr,d fyd|gu weඬqjd' 

* b;ska@ 
uu wehj fydhdf.k .shd' wehf. ÿrl:kfhka uf. fmïj;dg flda,a tlla wrf.k f*dka tfla iamSl¾ Tka l<d' Tyq lshmq foaj,a fudkjo lsh,d okakjo@ 

* keye@ 
thd wr .Ekq <uhg yßu wdofrka l;d l<d' iqÿ" meáfhda" jf.a jpko,d ‘Thd ke;=j ug nE’ lsh,;a lsõjd' weh f*dka tl lÜ ldg miafi uu;a Tyqg flda,a tlla wrka iamSl¾ Tka l<d' ta áluhs ug;a Tyq mejiqfõ' ug ord.kak neßj .shd' ux tfõf,au Tyqg nekakd' ysf;a flaka;sh hklï fodia lsõjd' 

* Tn fofmdf. iïnkaOh ì| oukak ljqre yß ma,Eka lr,d lrmq jevla fjkak neßo fïl@ 
fldfy;au fjkak neye' ux Tyq .ek ;j ;j;a fydh,d neÆjd' Tyqg fujeks in|lu lsysmhlau ;sì,d ;sfhkjd' 

* taj;a Tmamq jqKdo@ 
Tõ" .sh udfi fuhdf. Wmka Èkh ;snqfKa' ux i¾m%hsia lrkak ys;df.k ? fod<yg mjqf, wh;a tlal Tyqf.a f.or .shd' Tyq ysáfha keye' mdkaor tlg ú;r Tyq wdjd' fldfyo .sfh weyqjdu lsõfj ðï .shd lsh,d' fï uy ? fudk ðï o whsfha' Tyq tod fjk .Ekq <ufhla tlal Wmka Èkh iur,hs f.or weú;a ;sfhkafka' ug mska;+r;a tlal úia;f¾ ,enqKd" Tyq fjk flfkla tlal flala lmmq yeá' 

* Tnf.ka Tyqg hï wvqmdvqjla isÿ ù we;ao@ 
fudk wvqmdvq o whsfha' uf.ka fkd,efnk 15] wehf.ka ,efnkjÆ' 85] l wdorhla ú¢kakÆ udj ;shdf.k b|,d ;shkafka' 

* t;fldg lido n¢kak fkfjhso Tyq Tng xfj,d ;sfhkafka@ 
keye" Tyq udj fIda tlg ;shdf.k ;sfhkafka' f,daflg fmakak udj fndrejg tfy fufy f.kshkak' 

* fuuÛÕska Tng f,dl= wjudkhla isoaO jqfKa@ 
lsis flfkla uf. Èyd neÆfõ keye jerÈ weyelska' yefudau lsõfj Thd fíreKd lsh,d' ta lshkafka Tyqf.a l,a l%shdj fndfyda fofkla oekka b|,d ;sfhkjd' wehs ta njla rÜgq Tng lsõfj ke;af;a' ñksiaiq m%ldY l< foaj,aj,ska álla uf.a ys; yeÿKd' 

* we;a;gu Tfí ys; f.dvla ìfËkak we;s@ 
Tõ" ux i;shlau weඬqjd' Ôúf;a tmd jqKd' hd¿ ñ;%fhd" uf. mjf, wh udj iekiqjd' 

* j¾;udkfha Tfí ;;a;ajh fldfyduo@ 
tl w;lska i;=gqhs udj fíßÉp tlg' ta .ek u;lalr,d ux foúhkag ;=;s mqokjd' neßfj,dj;a lido nekaokï ux bjrhs' mqÿu lmáfhla thd' 

* wdfh;a wdorhla .ek ys;kafka ke;s mdghs@ 
nqÿ wïfuda" wdorhg oeka ux nhfj,d' fï ,o lïmkfhka ux lïmdjg m;ajqKd' iqmqreÿ jevlghq;= mgka .kak fndfyda ld,hla .;jqKd' wdfha Ôúf;a jroao .kafk keye ux' Tyqg ffjr lrkafk;a keye' Tyq ms<sn| lsisu oafõIhlska fkfjhs wog;a ux bkafka' 

igyk - m%idoa iur;=x.

FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst process FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst process Police Media Spokesperson, Superintendent of Police (SP) Ruwan Gunasekara stated that the Police Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) had received 335 complaints in total up-to-date, out of which, investigations into 89 complaints had already been completed.MORE... Post a comment | 7 hours ago Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation The Colombo Additional Magistrate, Justice Jeyaram Trosky, has ordered that the investigations into the murder of Wassim Thajudeen be expedited.MORE... | 8 hours ago Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in Marawila Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in Marawila Three individuals have been arrested following a raid of an illegal large-scale alcohol distillation plant in Mudukatuwa, Marawila.MORE... Post a comment | 8 hours ago Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners A Japanese historian who helped Cambodians preserve the Angkor temples and a Sri Lankan teacher who counselled war widows and orphans to overcome their nightmares are among the six winners of this year’s Ramon Magsaysay Awards, regarded as Asia’s version of the Nobel Prize. MORE.. Post a comment | July 27, 2017 6:25 pm 70% salary increase for SPC staff 70% salary increase for SPC staff Salaries of the employees of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation (SPC) will be increased by 70 percent in three phases within three years, Minister of Health Dr. Rajitha Senarathne said. MORE... Post a comment | July 27, 2017 4:53 pm Judge vows to care for children of policeman shot in Nallur Judge vows to care for children of policeman shot in Nallur Jaffna High Court Judge M. Illanchelian says that he will take care of the children of the late Sub Inspector Sarath Premachandra, the police officer who died following the shooting in Nallur while escorting him. MORE.. Post a comment | July 27, 2017 4:50 pm News Source - adaderana.lk

