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FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst process

FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst processPolice Media Spokesperson, Superintendent of Police (SP) Ruwan Gunasekara stated that the Police Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) had received 335 complaints in total up-to-date, out of which, investigations into 89 complaints had already been completed.MORE...

Post a comment | 7 hours ago

Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation

Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation The Colombo Additional Magistrate, Justice Jeyaram Trosky, has ordered that the investigations into the murder of Wassim Thajudeen be expedited.MORE...

| 8 hours ago

Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in Marawila

Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in MarawilaThree individuals have been arrested following a raid of an illegal large-scale alcohol distillation plant in Mudukatuwa, Marawila.MORE...

Post a comment | 8 hours ago

Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners

Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners A Japanese historian who helped Cambodians preserve the Angkor temples and a Sri Lankan teacher who counselled war widows and orphans to overcome their nightmares are among the six winners of this year’s Ramon Magsaysay Awards, regarded as Asia’s version of the Nobel Prize. MORE..

Post a comment | July 27, 2017  6:25 pm News Source - ADADERANA.LK

msßñ msiaiq jÜgk ird.S ukd,sh ,xldfjka - w;s úfYaI PdhdrEm iys;hs

yeu isxy, fl,af,lagu ;sfhkafka tlu tl wysxil ySkhla' ta ;uhs ,iaik fjäka tlla' ta yskaoo ukaod hk hk yeu fjäka tllÈu ukd,shf.a wvq mdvq .eyeKq <uhskag fydog fmakjd' 

wfmda uf.a fjäka tfla kx fojeks ukd,shkag TÉpr È.g wkaokafka keye" u,a l=udßfhda f.dvla bkak ´kd " uu kx idßfh msg TÉpr jy.kafka keye" idßh Thsg jvd ÿyq,a fjkak ´kd fï wo ldf,a fjäka tllÈ .eyeKq uhs ys;k foaj,a' 

fukak fufyu ys;k yskaod ;uhs wo fjäka fjä jf.a fj,d ;sfhkafka'fudkjo fï ukd,s weoka bkafka " ukd,shla jqKdu yefudf.u wdof¾ Èkd .kakjd ñila wdl¾Ykh .kak ´k keye" lsisu isßhdjla keye fïlma tl kslx fudayskSf.a lidfoa jf.a fjä jf.a fjäulg .sh wdÉÑ flfkla lsõj l;djla fï'

fldfydu jqK;a fuõjd fufyu fjkak fya;=j kx b;sx" ldf,a fjkia ;df,a w¿;a ùuhs' wksl biair .eyeKq ufhla ukd,shlg wÈkafka fmreï mqrdf.k ;ukaf.a fjäka tl ojig'talg wo ".eyeKq <ufhla ukd,s úÈyg lS mdrla kx wÈkjo @

fï PdhdrEm;a fndre ukd,shlf.a' yenehs f.dvdla úfYaI ksihs wms Tng fmkakkafka' fï flkdj wÿrkjfka''' cela,Ska *¾kEkaâia' ,xldfj flfkla' yenehs ks;ru fmakak bkafka Hindi Films j,' bkaÈhdfj ckm%sh i.rdjl uq,a msgqfõ PdhdrEmfha fmkS bkak cela,Skag wdrdOkd ,enqfk fï fjoaÈ weh fnd,sjqvfha ckmaßh ird.Su ks,shla ksihs' ukd,shla úÈyg ksrEmkhla lrkakhs wehg ,enqfKa' fldfydu jqK;a Ôúf;a m<uq j;djghs cela,Ska ukd,shla úÈyg ksrEmkhla lf¾' yenehs fï PdhdrEm jeo.;a fjkafka fjk fohla ksihs' tal;a fl,skau lshkakïflda'

fuhd tfia fufia ukd,shla fkfjhs' yefudau lshk úÈyg fï fjoaÈ ksl=;a fj,d ;sfhk ukd,shkaf.a PdhdrEm w;ßka f,dalfha ird.Su ukd,shhs' ,eÊc kyf¾ lm,d lsõfjd;a ''' msßñ wjqiaik ukud,shla' fudkjo TÜgq@ 

fï PdhdrEm n,k Tnf.a;a isysk ukd,sh cela,Ska fjk tl fjkjduhs''

FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst process FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst process Police Media Spokesperson, Superintendent of Police (SP) Ruwan Gunasekara stated that the Police Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) had received 335 complaints in total up-to-date, out of which, investigations into 89 complaints had already been completed.MORE... Post a comment | 7 hours ago Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation The Colombo Additional Magistrate, Justice Jeyaram Trosky, has ordered that the investigations into the murder of Wassim Thajudeen be expedited.MORE... | 8 hours ago Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in Marawila Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in Marawila Three individuals have been arrested following a raid of an illegal large-scale alcohol distillation plant in Mudukatuwa, Marawila.MORE... Post a comment | 8 hours ago Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners A Japanese historian who helped Cambodians preserve the Angkor temples and a Sri Lankan teacher who counselled war widows and orphans to overcome their nightmares are among the six winners of this year’s Ramon Magsaysay Awards, regarded as Asia’s version of the Nobel Prize. MORE.. Post a comment | July 27, 2017 6:25 pm 70% salary increase for SPC staff 70% salary increase for SPC staff Salaries of the employees of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation (SPC) will be increased by 70 percent in three phases within three years, Minister of Health Dr. Rajitha Senarathne said. MORE... Post a comment | July 27, 2017 4:53 pm Judge vows to care for children of policeman shot in Nallur Judge vows to care for children of policeman shot in Nallur Jaffna High Court Judge M. Illanchelian says that he will take care of the children of the late Sub Inspector Sarath Premachandra, the police officer who died following the shooting in Nallur while escorting him. MORE.. Post a comment | July 27, 2017 4:50 pm News Source - adaderana.lk

