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FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst process

FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst processPolice Media Spokesperson, Superintendent of Police (SP) Ruwan Gunasekara stated that the Police Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) had received 335 complaints in total up-to-date, out of which, investigations into 89 complaints had already been completed.MORE...

Post a comment | 7 hours ago

Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation

Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation The Colombo Additional Magistrate, Justice Jeyaram Trosky, has ordered that the investigations into the murder of Wassim Thajudeen be expedited.MORE...

| 8 hours ago

Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in Marawila

Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in MarawilaThree individuals have been arrested following a raid of an illegal large-scale alcohol distillation plant in Mudukatuwa, Marawila.MORE...

Post a comment | 8 hours ago

Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners

Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners A Japanese historian who helped Cambodians preserve the Angkor temples and a Sri Lankan teacher who counselled war widows and orphans to overcome their nightmares are among the six winners of this year’s Ramon Magsaysay Awards, regarded as Asia’s version of the Nobel Prize. MORE..

Post a comment | July 27, 2017  6:25 pm News Source - ADADERANA.LK

Chat with Nirosha Thalagala

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we;a;gu ug f.dvla‌ flaka;s hkjd - ksfrdaId

k¾;kh uf.a Ôú;fha fldgila‌

mqxÑ ;srfha È.yefrk fg,s kdgH fndfyduhl oÕldr lgldr pß; ujk" úfgl kmqre jev lrk ta fid÷re reje;a;sh ksfrdaId ;,.,' fï wef.a ienE Ôú;h .ek flreKq l;d nyhs'

fldfyduo ksfrdaId fï ojia‌j, fudkjo lrkafka@
fï ojia‌j, kï uu fndfydu ld¾h nyq,hs' fudlo fï Èkj, úldYh jk uq;= m,i" i|idú" wd;aud iy rkd hk fg,s kdgHj, rE .; lsÍï flfrkjd' ta i|yd iyNd.s fjk tl ;uhs uu úfõlhla‌ fkd,ndu lrk lghq;= fj,d ;sfhkafka' 

Tn fï jk úg fg,s kdgH lShl rÕmd ;sfnkjdo@ 
uu fg,s kdgH 32 l ú;r rÕmd,d ;sfhkjd' ta w;r m%Odk pß; fukau wu;r pß;o fndfyduhla‌ ;sfnkjd' bka fg,s kdgH ;=ky;rla‌u bÈßhg úldYh fjkak;a ;sfhkjd' 

fg,s kdgH la‍fIa;%hg Tn meñKs wdldrh flfiao@ 
uu fmkS isá fjf<| oekaùula‌ yryd ;uhs ug uq,skau fg,s kdgHhl rÕmdkakg ,enqfKa' ta "mnd" kdgHfhhs' uf.a uq,au kdgHh;a thhs' 

fõÈldjg iy iskudjg leue;a;la‌ ke;so@ 
ke;sj fkdfõ' fndfydu leu;shs' uu "iqiSud" Ñ;%mgfha fmdä pßf;l=;a rÕmd,d ;sfhkjd' fï ojia‌j, Ñ;%mg follg wdrdOkd ,eì,;a ;sfhkjd' ta;a fg,s kdgH rx.kh;a iuÕ fjk;a fohlg ld,h fhdod .kak tl wmyiq fj,d ;sfhkjd' fõÈldjg;a tf,iuhs' fõÈldfõ rÕmEug fmr mqyqKqùï wjYHuhs' ta i|yd ld,h fndfyda jeh lrkakg fjkjd' ta ksid ;uhs ug ta foaj,aj,g odhl fjkak neß fj,d ;sfhkafka' 

fuf;la‌ fg,s kdgHj, rÕ mE pß; iy rÕmEug wdidfjka isák pß; fudkjdo@ 
ug jeämqr ,eì,d ;sfhkafka ;reK" wysxil" oÕldr" lgldr pß; ;uhs' ta;a uu b;du leue;af;ka bkakjd' óg fjkia‌ ug jvd jhiska jeä pß;hla‌ fyda hï mßK; njlska hqla‌; .eUqre pß;hla‌ rÕmdkakg ,efnkjd kï tlsfklg fjkia‌ pß; ;=<ska uf.a yelshdj jeämqr fmkajkakg yels fõ hEhs ug ysf;kjd' 

Tfí mdi,a ld,h .ek lsõfjd;a@ 
uu .sfha ud,fí rdyq, nd,sld úoHd,hg' ta ld,h b;du iqkaorhs' 

Tn ienE Ôú;fha fudk jf.a flfkla‌o@ 
uu ienE Ôú;fha § álla‌ flaka;s hk kuq;a fudfyd;lska h<s ksfjk lgldr flfkla‌ ;uhs' 

la‍fIa;%fha Tn;a iuÕ isák ifydaor ks<shkaf.a rÕmEï Tng wNsfhda.hla‌ ù ;sfnkjdo@ 
Tõ' uu yeuodu ys;kafka Tjqka ug wNsfhda.hla‌ úÈyg ;uhs' wo fld;ek neÆj;a ;sfnkafka ;r.hla‌' b;ska rÕmEu;a ;r.hla‌ úÈyg ys;=fjd;a uu uf.a rÕmEu Wmßu uÜ‌gfuka lrkak Wkkaÿ fjkjd' th ug muKla‌ fkdfõ" ´kEu flfkl=g tf,iuhs' 

ta wh;a iuÕ Tnf.a we;s ne£u fldhsjf.ao@ 
ud iuÕÛ rÕmE ifydaor k¿ ks<shka ishÆ fokd iuÕÛu uu ys;j;a' lsisÿ m%Yakhla‌ fyda wukdmhla‌ lsisfjl=;a iuÕ keye' 

rx.kh ms<sn|j m%ùKhkaf.ka iy j¾;udk k¿ ks<shkaf.ka Tng ,efnk m%;spdr flf,io@ 
b;du fyd|hs' m%ùKhkaf.ka fndfydu .=reyrelï ,enqKd' wdYs¾jdoh ,enqKd' th ug f,dl= Yla‌;shla‌ fï .uk hkak' ifydaor Ys,amSkaf.kq;a fjkila‌ ke;sj fndfydu fyd| m%;spdr ,enqKd' 

rislhkaf.ka ,efnk m%;spdr fldfyduo@ 
b;du byhs' Tjqka ug fndfydu leu;shs' yß wdofrhs' uu rÕmdk pß;h ksid fyda uf.a ienE Ôú;fha§ ud isák wdldrh ksid fyda Tjqka ug b;du ,eÈhs' th we;a;gu i;=gla‌' 

mjqf,a f;dr;=re lsõfjd;a@ 
ug bkafka wla‌lhs kx.shs' ta whf.ka ug b;d fyd| iyfhda.hla‌ ,efnkjd fï lghq;a; lrf.k hkak' 

Tfí jD;a;sh rÕmEu o@ 
Tõ' rÕmEu ;uhs' Bg wu;rj k¾;kh' k¾;kh uf.a Ôúf;au fldgila‌ fj,d' ta ;rugu th ug wjYHhs' ta ksid rÕmEu w;=r;=r uu fldfydu yß k¾;k lghq;=j,g fj,djg fjkalr .kakjd' uf.a Ôú;h iunr fj,d ;sfnkafka rÕmEu iy k¾;kh hk wxY foflka ;uhs'

FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst process FCID concludes investigations into 89 complaints; 131 more amidst process Police Media Spokesperson, Superintendent of Police (SP) Ruwan Gunasekara stated that the Police Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) had received 335 complaints in total up-to-date, out of which, investigations into 89 complaints had already been completed.MORE... Post a comment | 7 hours ago Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation Court orders expedition of Thajudeen’s murder investigation The Colombo Additional Magistrate, Justice Jeyaram Trosky, has ordered that the investigations into the murder of Wassim Thajudeen be expedited.MORE... | 8 hours ago Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in Marawila Three arrested following raid of alcohol distillation plant in Marawila Three individuals have been arrested following a raid of an illegal large-scale alcohol distillation plant in Mudukatuwa, Marawila.MORE... Post a comment | 8 hours ago Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners Sri Lankan teacher among 2017 Magsaysay award winners A Japanese historian who helped Cambodians preserve the Angkor temples and a Sri Lankan teacher who counselled war widows and orphans to overcome their nightmares are among the six winners of this year’s Ramon Magsaysay Awards, regarded as Asia’s version of the Nobel Prize. MORE.. Post a comment | July 27, 2017 6:25 pm 70% salary increase for SPC staff 70% salary increase for SPC staff Salaries of the employees of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation (SPC) will be increased by 70 percent in three phases within three years, Minister of Health Dr. Rajitha Senarathne said. MORE... Post a comment | July 27, 2017 4:53 pm Judge vows to care for children of policeman shot in Nallur Judge vows to care for children of policeman shot in Nallur Jaffna High Court Judge M. Illanchelian says that he will take care of the children of the late Sub Inspector Sarath Premachandra, the police officer who died following the shooting in Nallur while escorting him. MORE.. Post a comment | July 27, 2017 4:50 pm News Source - adaderana.lk

